General Membership Presentations
These events are the second Tuesday of every month at noon and generally attract between 60 and 100 attendees. Special speakers give you the opportunity to learn more about current issues and topics affecting the community.
Business After Hours
These events give businesses the opportunity to highlight themselves. Whether it is a new business, new products or services or for general marketing purposes, this is a great way to get people in the door and show them what you offer. Businesses host the event, and the Chamber promotes it to their membership through eNews, committees and other networks.
Special Events
The Annual Awards Banquet, Cabaret, Chamber Christmas Party, Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, 4th of July Celebration and National Lentil Festival are all events that members can attend and get involved in. Numerous sponsorship opportunities are afforded to our members through these various events.
All members are invited to get involved in the chambers various committees. Whether you are interested in government affairs or regional marketing, there is a place for you at the table.